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Saturday, April 7, 2007

CNS and the Alzheimer

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alzheimers disease is believed to arise from abnormalities in amyloaid proteins, which primarily makes up the cause of the disorder in the Caucasian race. Experts have reviewed apolilipoproteins while considering Apo E, which starts at one and expands to four. alzheimers disease is a degenerative brain disorder, which destroys the never cells.

Nerve cells start with neurons, yet it stretches to the Central Nervous System. (CNS) CNS is the root of the cerebral channel, which makes up the spinal cord and four lobes, including the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and the occipital lobe. The lobes is where we get our personality, intellectual actions, speech, senses, space, and the ability to see, hear, taste, communicate and smell.

Amyloaid-proteins reach CNS and the brain. The lobes work in conjunction with our diencephalons, which is a section of the brain. Diencephalons sit in the center cavity of the brain, just on top of the stem. Diencephalons make up the brain part, such thalamus, and hypothalamus. Thalamus pairs and shapes like an egg forming masses of gray matter that lie below each cerebral hemisphere within the brain. Thalamus conveys sensory (Sensations) stimulus of temperature, pain and feel to the outer layers of the body, such as the kidney, brain, cortex, etc.

Hypothalamus is also a section of the central brain that rests at the underside. The brain section controls involuntary functions, i.e. respiration, temperature, emotional states, and blood pressure.

Diencephalons are the central cavity of the brain that rests at the stem. Diencephalons makes up our nerve fibers, which are whitish strands that sit at the outer layers of the brainstem (pons Varolii) and amid the lower section of the brain (Medulla oblongata) Medulla connects to the vertebrates, which stretches to the spinal cord. The purpose of Medulla is to control involuntary vital actions, including the lung and heart.

The central brain makes up the bodily structure known as tectum, which extends to the frontal section of the cerebral peduncles within the brain. This is an area of concern, especially for those diagnosed with alzheimers, since the peduncles is the intellectual area of the brain, which involves our psychological progressions, such as thinking, reasoning, etc, yet it does not include the emotions. alzheimers disease causes major memory loss, yet rarely are emotional interruptions presented.

The CNS combines with the cerebral and connects to various areas past the Diencephalons. Medulla oblongata spreads out as well to blood supply and down to the reticular complex activation system, which synchronizes the input sensory. (Sensations)
The activators regulate arousal and stimulus as well. The activators move down to the corpus callosum. Within the region are masses of tissues and fiber nerves, which send impulses to the intellectual mind, or brain. Past the blood-brain barrier is the limbic structure.

The limbic system makes up the brains nuclei system, which interconnects and supplies our essential needs behind emotions, such as pain, hunger, satisfaction, pleasure, sex, and instinctive motivation. At the base of this limbic system is the spinal cord. Within the spinal cord, we have motor tracts, which descend and ascend white matters. Now, if you are familiar with the skeletal structure, you probably know that inside these cavities are motor sensory that either promote movement, or else halts movement. If the brain is not moving at a proper volume, it can interrupt the memories ability to recall. The limbic system is where fresh memories rest.

alzheimers disease is a degenerative disorder that kills the living cells. The living cells target the main structure of the human body, i.e. the central nervous system. Dendrites start at the top of this structure, which its symptoms when impaired, include memory impairment, loss of balance and coordination, mental confusion an excitement, and so on.

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